Review of the Objectives of Protected Spaces: Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve of Redes




Espacio Natural Protegido, Reserva de la Biosfera, Paisaje, Evolución socioeconómica, Desarrollo Local Participativo, Conocimiento Ecológico Local.


The Biosphere Reserves (BRs) are unique sites that aspire to harmonize the conservation of biodiversity (natural and cultural) with the sustainable use of the natural resources, the socioeconomic development, and the support to research and education initiatives. In this paper, we evaluated the degree of fulfilment of these objectives in a case study: the Redes Biosphere Reserve. The changes in the local landscape, in its agrobiodiversity (both natural and cultural) and in the socioeconomy were quantified before and after the designation of the RB. The degree of attention to cultural and natural values and to scientific experimentation and development were also evaluated between both periods. The methodology is a powerful tool for evaluating the compliance with the objectives of the BR. The landscape is becoming homogenized and it is losing its mosaic character. The agrobiodiversity of wild and domestic species shows no signs of recovery. The socioeconomic future of the BR is handicapped by the high degree of population aging and the loss of jobs that lead to an accentuated depopulation; these trends also show signs of worsening. The natural and cultural heritages receive unequal attention, the former enjoying greater support over the latter. Globally, the objectives of the BRs are not being met and they must be reviewed to reverse the situation and implement more effective sustainable strategies in a context of global change. Local communities must be part of the debate forum and decision-making must be agreed with all the agents.


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Author Biographies

José Antonio González Díaz, UNED GIJON

Técnico en desarrollo rural en grupo local de acción Alto Nalón.

Profesor tutor en UNED  Gijón

Benjamín González Díaz, Universidad de Oviedo

Contratado predoctoral FPU

Rocío Rosa García, SERIDA



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How to Cite

González Díaz, J. A., González Díaz, B., & Rosa García, R. (2021). Review of the Objectives of Protected Spaces: Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve of Redes. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI. Geografía, (14), 67–88.


