Tithe Incomes of the Cuenca Cathedral Chapter at the Start of the Fifteenth Century (1400-1432)





Cathedral Chapter, Cuenca, Fifteenth Century, Medieval History, Economic History, Tithe, Ecclesiastical Revenues


The objective of this article is to summarily study tithes of the bishopric of Cuenca that were destined for the cathedral chapter, at the beginning of fifteenth century. Through a detailed analysis of the libros de rentas (registry of incomes) of the capitular mensa that are found at the Archive of the Cathedral of Cuenca, we will attempt to identify for what uses and for which ends did this institution use these incomes. These incomes will be utilized primarily in the management and finance of the activities developed by the chapter, and can be summarized by two words used in this period: refitor and vestuario.


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Author Biography

Ángel Martínez Catalán, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.

Doctorando en el Programa de Doctorado en Historia e Historia del Arte y Territorio: Historia Medieval.

Director de tesis: Carlos Barquero Goñi.


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How to Cite

Martínez Catalán, Ángel. (2018). Tithe Incomes of the Cuenca Cathedral Chapter at the Start of the Fifteenth Century (1400-1432). Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval, (31), 455–482. https://doi.org/10.5944/etfiii.31.2018.20206


