The autonomous communities premier civil law: analysis of honors and distinctions in force´s regulations


  • Mª del Carmen Portugal Bueno UNED



autonomous communities, premier laws, distinctions, honor, protocol


The civil premier law´s research and analysis in the autonomous communities has provided us with a vision of protocol concerning honors and distinctions´current reality.

The study of the seventeen local entities, both of its government and of its parliament, has drawn up a normative framework that begins in 1981 and ends in 2015. It is a set of laws, decrees and resolutions that is caused by , According to Francisco García-Mercadal, «an unreflective normative incontinence, an unbridled race to innovate in these ceremonial and protocolary matters, invoking the right of self-regulation and on the pretext that it is not a privative powers of the State´matter» (Garcia-Mercadal y garcía-loygorri , 2016: 2).

In spite of this complex situation, the primary sources´investigation has led us to discover some common characteristics that occur in the autonomous communities´ honors and distinctions. And in turn, we have discovered that there are other distinctions of an exclusive and unique local entities´character in question, both in their governments and parliaments, and that they respond to the identity and territory´s tradition.

In this paper we are going to make known the similarities existing in the autonomous communities´ regulations of honor and distinctions, considering them as starting point and base of this type of regulation, and to serve as a precedent for the future regulations´drafting.


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How to Cite

Portugal Bueno, M. del C. (2017). The autonomous communities premier civil law: analysis of honors and distinctions in force´s regulations. INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES JOURNAL, 4(6), 49–66.


