The Flexibility of the Flipped Classroom for the Design of Mediated and Self-regulated Learning Scenarios




flipped classroom, flexible learning, hybrid teahcing, virtual education, performance, self-regulation


The flipped classroom is a methodology recognised for its positive impact on the self-regulation of learning and academic performance. There is extensive literature that demonstrates its potential for educational flexibility, including the adaptation to online and blended modes of delivery that utilize digital technology successfully. There is, however, little evidence which proves that a unique flipped classroom design can be adjusted to different teaching modes without affecting student satisfaction and learning outcomes. In this research, we analyse eight cases of flipped classroom implementation during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years in the Faculty of Education Sciences at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. According to the findings, students who seem to have a stronger perception of self-regulated learning development and technology appropriation also have higher perception of academic performance, although they do not achieve better results. There are no significant variations in pedagogical design satisfaction or learning outcomes depending on teaching modality. However, the study did find that the most flexible teaching modes, such as intermittent face-to-face and hybrid teaching, offered more benefits to students in terms of academic performance and self-regulated learning. The main conclusion is that flipped classroom is a flexible methodology that can be adapted to different teaching modes while maintaining student satisfaction and learning outcomes.



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Biografias Autor

Ingrid Noguera Fructuoso, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB (Spain)

Ingrid Noguera is PhD in Educational Multimedia and Serra Hunter fellow at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). Her research interests focus on innovative teaching methods and teaching and learning in the digital society. She belongs to the ECIUn+ university consortium (Ref. ERASMUS-EDU-2022-EUR-UNIV-101089422). She currently leads the Erasmus+ Project “FLeD: learning design for flexible education” (Ref. KA220-HED-63C429BA), which aims to facilitate the effective design of flipped learning scenarios in higher education.

Paulina Elizabeth Robalino Guerra, Slik Corp (Spain)

Phd. degree in Psychology from the Póntifice Universidad Católica Argentina. She is currently a Guest Professor at UADE University (Argentina) and UAB (Spain), and Head of People Science & Research at Slik. She has experience in data science, psychometrics, personality and cognitive psychology. She has published numerous research papers and technical reports for various organizations. She is a member of multiple international professional associations with regular participation in their conferences. She is also an international People Analytics consultant for INSTARE.

Shqiponjë Ahmedi, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB (Spain)

Shqiponjë Ahmedi earned her Ph.D. in Psychology of Communication and Change from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), and is now conducting research as a member of the PAFIU research group at UAB. Her research interests focus on the critical areas of emotion regulation, social-emotional learning, and art-based therapies, where she has acquired extensive knowledge and expertise. With her deep understanding of how individuals process and communicate emotions, Shqiponjë is committed to exploring innovative ways to harness these processes to promote personal growth and well-being.


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Como Citar

Noguera Fructuoso, I., Robalino Guerra, P. E., & Ahmedi, S. (2023). The Flexibility of the Flipped Classroom for the Design of Mediated and Self-regulated Learning Scenarios. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 26(2), 155–173.