Flexible Learning Itineraries in Digital Environments for Personalised Learning in Teacher Training
educational technology, information and communication technologies, teacher education, individualised teaching, self-managementResumo
The pedagogical strategy of flexible learning itineraries in digital environments aligns with current practices that focus on students’ agency to control their own learning. Flexible learning itineraries allow personalised learning while enhancing self-regulated learning skills such as setting aims and defining strategies. Paramount for successful strategies of flexible learning itineraries is the learning design which has to be defined with precision and responds to a detailed set of needs beyond access at anyplace or anytime. The main aim of flexible learning itineraries is to allow student choice so that they may construct their own pathway by selecting their options based on their own individual needs, motivations and prior knowledge. This research seeks to validate the prototype of a pedagogical strategy based on flexible learning design implemented in a subject of the Teacher Education programme at the University of the Balearic Islands. From a design-based research methodological approach, learning itineraries and sequences were created, and data was collected on student satisfaction via an online survey. Results show, on the one hand, the students' satisfaction with the experience and the pathways built, and on the other hand, in view of the diversity of choices made, that the pathways promoted the personalisation of learning, allowing the teaching-learning process to be adjusted to their personal characteristics. Conclusions suggest that the instructional design supports self-regulated learning strategies. In addition, conclusions reflect on the need to address digital current challenges from equitable and just approaches; and, also, on the value of the teacher's role as designer.
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