The seductive details in online mathematics learning




didactic use of computer, multimedia system, mastery learning, cognitive ability, learning process


The new technologies and multimedia formats have given rise to highly attractive synchronous virtual environments for learning mathematics. However, the cognitive theory of multimedia learning suggests that it is preferable to eliminate seductive information from a multimedia presentation. Nevertheless, it is still unclear whether this effect manifests in ecological situations such as synchronous video conferences. In order to address this gap, two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of instructional, decorative, and seductive images on mathematics learning through synchronous video conferences, for both beginner and advanced students. The first experiment (n = 156) revealed that both materials with instructional graphics and materials without graphics are more efficient (i.e., they generate higher performance with equal mental effort) than materials with seductive graphics. In the second experiment, the moderating role of prior knowledge was analyzed (n = 163), including advanced students in the study. The results suggested that novice students performed better with materials containing instructional and decorative graphics compared to those presenting seductive graphics. However, this disadvantage of learning with seductive graphics disappeared in advanced students. It is concluded that the effectiveness of online mathematics learning depends on the type of graphics used and the level of prior knowledge. These results are discussed from the perspective of cognitive load and multimedia learning, and practical guidelines are provided for teaching and researching online mathematics learning.


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Author Biographies

Jimmy Zambrano R., Universidad del Pacífico, UP (Ecuador)

Doctor por la Open Universiteit Nederland y Doctor en Educación por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Actualmente es profesor de la Universidad del Pacífico, y tiene un interés científico por los factores de carga cognitiva y aprendizaje escolar.

Esthela Gabriela Centeno Martínez , Unidad Educativa San Rafael (Ecuador)

Ingeniera Comercial por la Escuela Politécnica del Ejército y Máster Educación, Tecnología e Innovación por la Universidad del Pacífico. Actualmente se desempeña como docente de educación general básica.

Elvira Janneth Legarda Márquez, Unidad Educativa Humberto Mata Martínez (Ecuador)

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Central del Ecuador y Magíster en Gestión Educativa por la Universidad del Pacífico Ecuador. Actualmente es docente de educación básica.

Amelia Chelita Bravo Loaiza, Colegio de Bachillerato Marcabelí (Ecuador)

Ingeniera en Contabilidad y Auditoría CPA y Magíster en Gestión Educativa por la Universidad de Pacifico de Ecuador. Actualmente es docente en educación básica.

Marcia Yaguarema Alvarado, Universidad del Pacífico, UP; Colegio Alemán Humboldt de Samborondón (Ecuador)

Master of Science in Holistic Child Development por Lee University y Magíster en Educación y Tecnología e Innovación por la Universidad del Pacífico. Actualmente es docente.


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How to Cite

Zambrano R., J., Centeno Martínez , E. G., Legarda Márquez, E. J., Bravo Loaiza, A. C., & Yaguarema Alvarado, M. (2024). The seductive details in online mathematics learning. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 27(2), 295–315.