HyFlex: Teaching and Learning in a Hybrid and Flexible Way in Higher Education





hybrid teaching, flexible learning, blended learning, educational technology, distance education


This research paper analyses an experience in higher education based on the HyFlex (hybrid and flexible) model that was developed during three academic years (2019, 2020, 2021). Unlike other HyFlex approaches, where face-to-face teaching is broadcast online and students choose whether to attend the physical classroom or participate telematically, in this experience the hybrid consisted of a combination of face-to-face lessons with autonomous work by students in an asynchronous virtual classroom. Likewise, flexibility was based on the students' free choice of the learning modality or strategy to be followed (by projects versus units of study). A descriptive analysis methodology was used to carry out the study, based on the opinion survey method and the analysis of the academic performance grades obtained by the students. The results show a high degree of satisfaction and positive assessment from the students’ perspectives. It has also been identified that there is a high level of academic achievement irrespective of the chosen pathway. It is concluded that this implemented HyFlex model has the potential to be transferable and put into practice any university subject of face-to-face teaching which require being transformed digitally. For this, it is necessary that the appropriate institutional conditions exist and that the teaching staff have the appropriate pedagogical and digital competence.



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Author Biographies

Manuel Area Moreira, Universidad de La Laguna, ULL (Spain)


Dpto. de Didáctica e Investigación Educativa

Facultad de Educación

Anabel Bethencourt-Aguilar, Universidad de La Laguna, ULL (spain)

Máster en Educación Digital. Contratada FPU y Doctoranda del Programa de Educación de la Universidad de La Laguna (España). Miembro del Laboratorio de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías (EDULLAB) de dicha universidad

Sebastián Martín-Gómez, Universidad de La Laguna, ULL (Spain)

Dr. en Pedagogía por la Universidad de La Laguna. Máster en Educación y Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación. Miembro del grupo de investigación Laboratorio de Educación y Nuevas Tecnologías (EDULLAB)


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How to Cite

Area Moreira, M., Bethencourt-Aguilar, A., & Martín-Gómez, S. (2023). HyFlex: Teaching and Learning in a Hybrid and Flexible Way in Higher Education. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 26(1), 141–161. https://doi.org/10.5944/ried.26.1.34023