Analysis of Teaching Methodologies Using Digital Technologies in Higher Education: a Systematic Review




teaching method, information and communication technologies, systematic literature review, higher education, university


In recent years, changes have taken place in higher education due to the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area and digitalisation, implying an evident need to adapt teaching methodologies to the new context. In accordance with this idea, the present research focuses on the analysis of teaching methodologies that make use of digital technologies in higher education context.
For this purpose, a systematic literature review using the PRISMA methodology was carried out in four databases of international relevance (Web of Science, Scopus, Educational Resources Information Center and Dialnet), starting with 107 documents and filtering 23 that were then analyzed with the qualitative software MAXQDA. The results indicate that in recent years there has been an increase in publications on the subject and that the methodological options most frequently used are, for example, group work, problem-based learning, and examinations. In this sense, most proposals imply a substitute use of digital technologies by teachers and a component of creative use by students. In short, this is an essential topic of interest. Furthermore, perhaps it’s important also point out the fact that identifying what practices are implemented and gaining knowledge of the precedents may be valuable for further improvement of the teaching-learning processes.



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Author Biographies

Anna Sánchez-Caballé, Universitat Jaume I, UJI (Spain)

Profesora Ayudante Doctora en el área de Didáctica y Organización Escolar del Departamento de Educación de la Universidad Jaume I. Graduada en Pedagogía y Doctora en Tecnología Educativa. Imparte docencia en el ámbito del desarrollo profesional de los docentes y en la organización educativa. Su campo de investigación va relacionado con las TIC. Principalmente se ha centrado en temas de competencia digital y transmedia.

Francesc M. Esteve-Mon, Universitat Jaume I, UJI (Spain)

Profesor Contratado Doctor en el área de Didáctica y Organización Escolar (DOE) del Departamento de Educación de la Universidad Jaume I. Licenciado en Psicopedagogía y Doctor en Tecnología Educativa. Imparte principalmente su docencia en el ámbito de las TIC y centra su investigación en la tecnología educativa y la formación docente. Ha participado en algunos proyectos de I+D, tanto nacionales como autonómicos, sobre competencia digital y ha publicado varios artículos de investigación en revistas tanto nacionales como internacionales.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Caballé, A., & Esteve-Mon, F. M. (2023). Analysis of Teaching Methodologies Using Digital Technologies in Higher Education: a Systematic Review. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 26(1), 181–199.