School mediation programs as tools to promote healthy couple relationships in adolescence


  • David Guillermo Sánchez-Porro Frías Universidad de Salamanca
  • Eva González Ortega Universidad de Salamanca



school mediation, couple relationship, adolescence, communication skills, conflict problem solving, emotional skills.



Romantic relationships become relevant during adolescence and influence psychosocial and affective development. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage positive romantic relationships during this developmental stage. According to scientific literature, the use of appropriate interpersonal communication skills, constructive problem-solving techniques and effective emotional intelligence tools is positively related to the quality of couple relationships. As peer-mediation programs teach these social emotional competencies to facilitate positive socialization, schools might optimize this resource and extend it to the context of couple relationship.Therefore, this article seeks to propose a psychoeducational intervention based on school-mediation programs that aims to promote healthy romantic relationships among adolescents. First, a literature review on school mediation and couple relationships in adolescence is provided. Subsequently, the objectives, recipients, trainers, methods, contents and activities that might be part of this innovative intervention approach are specified, as well as the steps that should be followed in its implementation. As a conclusion, it is highlighted how this proposal improves school mediation programs.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Porro Frías, D. G., & González Ortega, E. (2017). School mediation programs as tools to promote healthy couple relationships in adolescence. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 28(1), 72–85.



Research studies