New issue published: Vol. 32(3)_2021


Dear REOP readers:

We are pleased to inform you about the publication of Issue 3, Volume 32, corresponding to December 2021.  

As we state in the Editorial, this is a very significant issue, with diverse contents and practices related to research and action in guidance, which pose challenges and contributions for different contexts and guidance agents. We hope it will be motivating for our readers and challenging for all guidance practitioners, allowing you to find answers, resources and tools, methodologies, as well as new dilemmas and creative ways of approaching them in an uncertain and ever-changing world. 

We wish you happy holidays and a very Happy New Year, full of health and new illusions.

Magdalena Suárez-Ortega (Editor-in-Chief) and Beatriz Malik-Liévano (Editor)

Spanish Journal of Guidance and Psychopedagogy, REOP