Considerations about couples therapy: about a case.




Couple Therapy, Symmetry, Complementarities, Eros, Philia, Agape, Marital Therapy


This article presents a model of couple therapy which takes into account not only interactive or relational aspects but also the personal or individual ones. The first one affects the structural dimension of symmetry or asymmetry regarding the position of power that deals with each of the members of the couple. The latter relates to the structural dimension of complementarities, in reference to the resources that each brings to the relationship. Thus those aspects that impact on the problems of the couple are jointly considered. The application of this approach is illustrated trough an exhaustive analysis of the process of a case of marital therapy.


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How to Cite

Villegas, M., & Mallor, P. (2010). Considerations about couples therapy: about a case. Revista de Psicoterapia, 21(81), 37–106.

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