Centrality of the evolutionary perspective in post-rationalist clinical cognitivism and new explanatory arguments of child psychopathology


  • Furio Lambruschi Università di Siene, Italia
  • Laia Villegas Torras




attachment theory, internal working model, postracionalism, cognitive therapy, developmental psychology


Inspired by the work of Vittorio Guidano and Patricia Crittenden this article develops clinical and therapeutic aplications of theory of attachment to children’s especific developmental problems.


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How to Cite

Lambruschi, F., & Villegas Torras, L. (2001). Centrality of the evolutionary perspective in post-rationalist clinical cognitivism and new explanatory arguments of child psychopathology. Revista de Psicoterapia, 12(48), 5–32. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v12i48.550