Rosal technique as an emotional diagnosis in specific populations




Emotional Intelligence, Depression, Anxiety, Minors, CRAES, Guided Fantasy Techniques, Therapy based on Emotional Intelligence (TEI)


Guided fantasy techniques provide a great source of diagnostic information (Rosal, 2002), which allows creative therapeutic work and are effective strategies for the development of Emotional Intelligence (Lizeretti, 2009, 2012). The aim of the present study was to systematize the analysis of the rosal technique in order to contribute to its empirical validity in the psychodiagnostic process. For this, two studies are presented schematically where the technique has been applied from the model of Therapy based on Emotional Intelligence (TIE). The first study with a sample of 92 participants, patients with anxiety and clinical depression derived from a mental health center and a control group without diagnosis. The second study consisted of 62 minors, an experimental group from Residential Educational Action Centers (CRAE’s) and a control group from secondary schools. The results show clearly significant differences between the different groups that have been compared, demonstrating the importance of empirical research in this area in order to consolidate the effectiveness of guided and projective fantasy techniques.


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How to Cite

García, N., & Lizeretti, N. P. (2017). Rosal technique as an emotional diagnosis in specific populations. Revista de Psicoterapia, 28(107), 191–205.



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