Why do people use Facebook?


  • Silvia Beatriz Franchi Universidad Católica Argentina


Facebook, social networking, need to belong, need for self presentation


Interpersonal relationships have changed dramatically at the Internet era. Millions of people visit the social networking site Facebook, through computers, cellular phones, tablets, etc. in order to communicate with friends, relatives, school and college mates.
A review of the literature will be presented, regarding two basic needs that drive the networking use: 1) the need to belong to the virtual social network; 2) the need for virtual self-presentation.
Variables as self-esteem, narcissism, social anxiety and shyness, neuroticism and self worth will be discussed as areas for future research.


Author Biography

Silvia Beatriz Franchi, Universidad Católica Argentina

Doctora en Psicología, especialista en Depresión, ansiedad y bipolaridad.

Ex docente de grado y posgrado en diferentes universidades argentinas: Universidad del Salvador, Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Universidad Católica Argentina, Universidad de Flores.


Las referencias bibliográficas figuran al final del artículo enviado para vuestra evaluación.



How to Cite

Franchi, S. B. (2014). Why do people use Facebook?. Revista de Psicoterapia, 25(97), 209–217. Retrieved from https://revistas.uned.es/index.php/rdp/article/view/34840