Systemic-processual cognitive therapy of the couple


  • Vittorio Guidano S.I.T.C.C. - C.P.C.
  • Maurizio Dodet S.I.T.C.C. - C.P.C.



postrationalism, sefl-organization, couple therapy


In this article we will be discussing a systems process oriented approach to couple therapy. At first part we attempt to outline through a review of literature, a post-rationalist perspective to cognitive therapy; in the second part, which will be of a more clinical nature, we will present a therapeutic setting that will be fully developed in the third part with a discussion of a clinical case. The model examined offers the means for reformulating the problem being presented by the couple in relation to the interaction of the Personal Meating Organization of the partners. The arm of the therapy is to make explicit the meaning around which the internal coherence of the system-couple is organized, through a comprehension of their self-referential and self-organizing capabilities.


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How to Cite

Guidano, V. ., & Dodet, M. . (1996). Systemic-processual cognitive therapy of the couple. Revista de Psicoterapia, 7(28), 45–58.



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