Some relational aspects of agoraphobia


  • Alberto Espina Universidad del País Vasco.
  • Begoña Pumar Universidad del País Vasco.



attachment, collusion, dyadic relationship, oedipal triangle, interactional perspective, agoraphobia and psychoanalysis, agoraphobia and communication theory, agoraphobia case studies


In this study the authors describe first some psychoanalytic and relational concepts, such as attachment, collusion, the steps from a dyadic relationship to the Edipal triangle, and the understanding of symptoms from the interactional perspective. Secondly, the authors discuss agoraphobia from the psychoanalytic vantage point and from the theory of communications point of view. Finally, two cases of agoraphobia are studied within the two theoretical models presented.


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How to Cite

Espina, A. ., & Pumar, B. (1995). Some relational aspects of agoraphobia. Revista de Psicoterapia, 6(21), 57–70.



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