Osvaldo Svanascini's bibliographic projects

Fragments of an editorial history





Osvaldo Svanascini (1920-2015), Bibliography, Publishing History, Art Books, Argentinian Book, Poetry


This article analyses the career of the Argentine poet, painter and art critic Osvaldo Svanascini (1920-2015) at the head of successive publishing projects that he directed or promoted in the city of Buenos Aires between 1946 and 2005. Based on the reconstruction of editorial catalogues, the visibility of interpersonal relationships and the analysis of alliances and coordinated action strategies with printers and publishing houses, the article demonstrates the continuity of a bibliographic project sustained throughout an extensive life trajectory.

The article focuses on the place of two types of publishing objects in this series of interlinked projects: the thematic book on the visual arts and the book of verses. In the same sense, the work also gives an account of the place attributed to the inclusion of images of Argentine artists, the promotion of inter-artistic relations and the design of editorial collections.


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How to Cite

Pedroni, J. C. (2024). Osvaldo Svanascini’s bibliographic projects: Fragments of an editorial history. Revista de Humanidades, (52), 85–104. https://doi.org/10.5944/rdh.52.2024.38325


