The reception of the aristotelian ethics in Averroes and its influence on the medieval latin world


  • Andrés Martínez Lorca UNED



Averroes, islam, Filosofía árabe, Ética a Nicómaco


The ethical thought of Averroes has hardly been studied, and this despite the fact that he is the only medieval islamic philosopher whose Commentary on the main Aristotelian work on the subject, the Nicomachean Ethics, is preserved. The axis of this paper is precisely a new analysis of this Commentary through the concepts of eudaimonía or happiness, philía or friendship and tò díkaion or justice.


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How to Cite

Martínez Lorca, A. (2021). The reception of the aristotelian ethics in Averroes and its influence on the medieval latin world. ENDOXA, (48), 15–45.



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