CIHELA Congresses; Historiography of Education; Latin America; Research Networks; Contents and debates; Collective productionAbstract
This article is the introduction to a special issue that takes balance of thirty years of Ibero-American Congresses on the History of Latin American Education (CIHELA). The time that has elapsed since the first CIHELA (1992) has marked a turning point in the growing production of research in the field of the History of Education on the continent. This dossier does not intend to review everything that has been produced in the field of the History of Education in Latin America, but particularly the contributions that have been made to it from the CIHELA, recognizing the presence of research networks fostered by these congresses. It is intended to give an account of the trajectories and debates that researchers and institutions have had on some of the «classic» topics that were enriched throughout the meetings, of the «new topics» that were incorporated into their agendas, of those that had moments of growth and were then silenced, and at the same time reflects - in some way - regional thematic movements, conditions of production in the countries from which their authors come and vacancies that point to pending issues. It highlights the collective mode of writing of each of the articles included in the special issue, with contributors from different countries, reflecting the functioning of the CIHELA as a diverse community of dialogue. Particularly noteworthy is the opportunity generated by the special issue to organize an incipient archive that brings together, albeit incompletely, documentation related to programs, abstracts and papers presented at the congresses.
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