«Dangerous and Ugly Conspiracies». The Report of the Austrian Ambassador Christoph Migazzi on the Fall of the Marquis of la Ensenada in 1754





Carvajal; Ensenada; Mugazzi; XVIII Century


Taller historiador


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Author Biography

Christoph Rosenmüller, Middle Tennessee State University

Professor, Department of History, Box 23


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How to Cite

Rosenmüller, C. . (2021). «Dangerous and Ugly Conspiracies». The Report of the Austrian Ambassador Christoph Migazzi on the Fall of the Marquis of la Ensenada in 1754. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna, (34), 463–492. https://doi.org/10.5944/etfiv.34.2021.31605