So far and yet so close: differences and similarities related to the situation of the peasantry within the seigneurial framework in manorial England and Galicia (12th–14th centuries)


  • José Antonio López Sabatel Universidad de Santiago de Compostela



Peasantry, England, Galicia, Lordship, Manor, Foro,


This article addresses the legal and social status of both Galician and English landholders between the twelfth and the fourteenth centuries. In addition, it sheds some light on the different mechanisms used by the lordship in both territories to control the space and subdue the peasantry. Peasants and their relationship with the seigneurial system are the main components of this work and, consequently, it has been necessary to underline their ties and obligations as a diversified social class within the feudal framework. Also of significance is the different means employed for them to put up a varied resistance against that form of subjugation. In order to carry out this comparative study, it has been essential to perform a deep analysis of published primary sources as well as a specialised bibliography. The findings from this analysis yield the following conclusion: in spite of their legal status, Galician peasants shared many features in common with unfree English tenants.


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Author Biography

José Antonio López Sabatel, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Doctorando de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.


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How to Cite

López Sabatel, J. A. (2015). So far and yet so close: differences and similarities related to the situation of the peasantry within the seigneurial framework in manorial England and Galicia (12th–14th centuries). Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval, (28), 375–394.


