Pedagogical Models Based on Transversal Digital Competences in Distance Learning: Creation Parameters
pedagogical models, digital competences, distance learningResumo
This article presents an investigation to define the parameters that guide the construction of pedagogical models (PM) based on transversal digital competences (DC) for distance learning (DL). A qualitative research approach was implemented in three stages: 1. a theoretical survey to build the initial parameters; 2. a case study of a course with teachers to apply the initial parameters; and 3. definition of the final parameters based on data comparison and analysis. A relationship was established between the concepts of pedagogical models, digital competences, and distance learning. Data was collected through questionnaires, interactions, and activities carried out during the course, which made it possible to identify the teachers' profile and the parameters for the pedagogical model based on digital competences. The data was analyzed, categorized, and treated for interpretation. Two categories were defined: pedagogical model to construct the digital competences and digital competences in distance learning. As a result, parameters were defined, in a framework, to assist in the construction of a pedagogic model based on digital competences in a gradual, integrated, and transversal way that can be used in any distance learning area, course, or discipline. The results of this work demonstrate that the proper construction of a PM consists in properly using technological tools based on digital competences. Furthermore, teachers must gain competences through training. This new approach, treating digital competences as transversal in the pedagogical model and its inclusion in institutional educational systems, aims at fostering teacher training through the construction of digital competences in education.
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