The Use of Gamification as a Vehicle for Pedagogic Sharing and Teachers’ Professional Development




continuing professional development, gamification, pedagogic sharing, collaborative learning, teachers’ professional development


Gamification introduces game mechanics into organizational contexts to improve impacts, outcomes, or staff engagement in an identified area of focus. This action research explores the potential of gamification as a system for the sharing of pedagogic practice in an international secondary school. The study investigates whether a gamified approach can address the identified drawbacks of more traditional out of workplace, leader driven continuing professional development (CPD) workshops by offering an alternative that spreads pedagogic practice through a school. The study uses a 6-week activity encouraging teachers to create, develop, and share their pedagogical practice through live demonstration with an observing peer for critical feedback. Each part of this process scored points to create the gamified elements. The study gained data through fourteen participants, all teachers at the school with a mixture of experience. Participant perceptions on the impact of the gamified process in its success in fostering the sharing of pedagogic practice, fostering collaboration, and acting as an alternative to traditional CPD were gained through the completion of pre-gamification and post-gamification surveys. The findings show positive support for the use of gamification in a school context for increasing pedagogical sharing, enhancing individual teacher’s confidence in their depth and use of different strategies, and that gamification can provide a positive professional development vehicle for schools. It identifies new avenues for further research in the use of gamification for school CPD, and whether gamification should be used to support or replace more traditional CPD practices in schools.



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Author Biographies

Richard Greaves, University of Essex Online (United Kingdom)

Assistant Principal at Suzhou Singapore International School. He has more than 15 years of teaching and management experience in international school education in Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. He holds a BA (Hons) in Geography by the University of Portsmouth, a PGCE in Secondary Education and Teaching by the University of Sunderland and a Master in Education by the University of Essex.  His current research interests include the role of technology in teaching learning and assessment and gamification as a way of sharing pedagogic knowledge and increasing learning conversations in (international) schools.

Dimitrios Vlachopoulos, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (Netherlands)

Dimitrios Vlachopoulos has worked as faculty member in different universities in the Netherlands, the UK, the USA, Spain, Greece and Cyprus, mainly conducting research in education sciences and teaching in post-graduate and doctorate programs in the field of pedagogy and business administration. Currently, he is Associate Professor and director of e-learning at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Since 2019 is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He has more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, books, and international conferences and has participated in more than 20 EU projects related to teachers’ training, online education, quality assurance and evidence-informed teaching innovation.


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How to Cite

Greaves, R., & Vlachopoulos, D. (2023). The Use of Gamification as a Vehicle for Pedagogic Sharing and Teachers’ Professional Development. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 26(1), 245–264.