The accompaniment of children with Autism from Relational Psychomotricity




relational psychomotricity, autism spectrum disorder, bodily totality, symbolic decoding


Starting from the conceptualisation of Autism Spectrum Disorders, we reflect on what Relational Psychomotricity can contribute, in the light of what neuroscience provides on, the influence that an adequate affective-emotional accompaniment has on development. From this relational experience, through the bodily encounter with the other, the tonic dialogue, the pleasure of movement and play, we psychomotricians try to build a context of interaction with the child, which provides him/her with the tools to discover that the other exists and that he/she exists. Our objective as psychomotor therapists is to generate an internal state of greater well-being in the relationship with the environment, which motivates the child to use tools to favour communication. The child with autism needs to build an image of the body as a unit, as a totality. If he cannot build a total image of himself, if he does not recognise himself, he cannot build an image of the other and identify himself with him.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Rodríguez, J., Llorca Llinares, M., Morillo Lesme, T. C., & González Hernández, R. (2023). The accompaniment of children with Autism from Relational Psychomotricity. Revista De Psicoterapia, 34(125), 7–19.

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