The discourse on the discourse of mental illness


  • Encarna Laguna Universidad de Barcelona



schizophrenia, psychotherapy


Classical psychiatry has frequently emphasized linguistic phenomena in psychopathology, especially in relation to schizophrenia; however, this focus has not studied language nuances, characteristic of emotional ilness as variants in expressive styles, rather the focus has been on particularities in speech as representative of disturbed thought processes. This article examines the vicissitudes in the study of schizophrenic language from the mid-nineteenth century and shows how these past developments have given rise to confusion regarding the mental status of the psychologically disturbed. To remedy this confusion the present article proposes alternate forms of conceptualizing the linguistic phenomena associated with psychopathology, advocating for the conceptualizing of language particularities in psychopatologies as specific differential expressive styles, as can be demonstrated with the examples of schizophrenia and obsessive disorder.


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How to Cite

Laguna, E. (1992). The discourse on the discourse of mental illness. Revista de Psicoterapia, 3(10/11), 83–100.



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