Conceptualizacion, evaluacion y terapia de la paidofilia: ilustracion de la aplicacion de la terapia conductual a un trastorno paidofilico.


  • Salvador Alario Bataller Clínica Psico-Médica. Valencia



paraphilies, pedophilia, child sexual abuse, personality, cognitive-behavioural therapy, aversive therapy, exposure


In this article we review the pedophilia, their possible ethiology and the personality investigations that correlate some of pedophilic behaviour and the biological and cognitive-behavioural therapies. In the present study a paidophilic patient was treated with a behavioural therapeutic program. Therapy included impulses control techniques, orgasmic reconditioning, covert sensitization, exposure and cognitive therapy. The results of this study are presented and we can find a good improvement at the end of the treatment. Moreover, the patient maintained the improvement at the 1-month, 3-month, 6-month and 12-month follow-ups.


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How to Cite

Alario Bataller, S. . (1999). Conceptualizacion, evaluacion y terapia de la paidofilia: ilustracion de la aplicacion de la terapia conductual a un trastorno paidofilico. Revista de Psicoterapia, 10(38/39), 123–160.