Developing and Maintaining a Healthy Family Today




family theories, contemporary family, family health, family life


This article on health families is specific regarding the key aspects about how to develop and to maintain a healthy family in today’s world.  These key aspects are theoretically reframed in different words and applied to the growth of a consistent family in current times.  Other topics are new entries to complete the picture of a strong and vigorous family. To better understand this complex objective, this article first reviews the concepts and theories about family and love, and then review the different theoretical reviews to better understand the contemporary family. These great definitions and foundations will allow making practical applications in the areas of growth, development and maintenance of a healthy family today. 


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How to Cite

Moral, M., & Chimpén, C. (2021). Developing and Maintaining a Healthy Family Today. Revista de Psicoterapia, 32(119), 197–210.



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