Interpretation of imaginative play in child psychotherapy: towards a phenomenological hermeneutical approach


  • Bertha Mook School of Psychology, 120 University Private, University of OttawaOttawa, K1N6N5 Canada
  • Ariadna Villegas i Torras



phenomenology, hermeneutics, play therapy, narratives, child therapy


Despite renewed interest and technical advances in play therapy with children, its theoretical basis remains weak. A phenomenological hermeneutic approach to play therapy offers a philosophically grounded theoretical understanding of the meaning of children’s expressions through imaginative play in a therapeutic context. Drawing upon Gadamer’s ontological concept of play and Ricoeur’s theory of interpretation, a child’s imaginative play is seen as a text that calls for interpretation. The understanding and interpretation of imaginative play in play therapy is illustrated by means of a case vignette of a young physically abused child.


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How to Cite

Mook, B., & Villegas i Torras, A. (2000). Interpretation of imaginative play in child psychotherapy: towards a phenomenological hermeneutical approach. Revista de Psicoterapia, 11(44), 83–93.