An integrative approach to treatment of childhood and adolescent ADHD


  • Amalia Gordóvil-Merino Universitat de Barcelona
  • Thorsten Faust Centro Médico Teknon Barcelona



attention deficit disorder, ADHD, neurofeedback, biofeedback, psychotherapy, re-education, multimodal treatment, children, adolescents


This article describes the treatment of children and teenagers with ADHD including the family members. Biofeedback and Neurofeedback increase the concentration, selfcontrol and self-efficacy permitting an acitve colaboration of the patient. Neurofeedback offers an additional option to the wide range of therapeutic options we have for the patient (psychotherapy, leerning training, medication), for the school and for the family (psychoeducation for the parents and therapeutic strategies). To design the appropiate intervention for each patient we need a detailed exploration which permits an understanding of the patient in all his complexity to offer him the a multimodal treatment.


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How to Cite

Gordóvil-Merino, A., & Faust, T. (2012). An integrative approach to treatment of childhood and adolescent ADHD. Revista de Psicoterapia, 23(90/91), 125–147.



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