The Constructivist Integrative Model: A New Proposal




psychotherapy, constructivism, social constructionism, integration


This work presents the epistemological and theoretical foundations of a recently developed model of psychotherapy: the constructivist integrative model (CIM). Rather than being another integrative model among the variety of available proposals, CIM is aimed at offering a methodology that allows constructivist therapists to integrate different elements of work, derived from constructivist and social constructionist diverse models, insuring epistemological, theoretical, and technical coherence. From explaining the foundations of the model, their clinical applications are derived: case formulation and general guidelines for psychotherapeutic practice. Finally, new potential developments and future applications are discussed. 


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How to Cite

Moggia, D. (2017). The Constructivist Integrative Model: A New Proposal. Revista de Psicoterapia, 28(108), 125–147.



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