Review of Task Analysis Research of Significant Events in Psychotherapy
task analysis, psychotherapy process, change, psychotherapy trainingAbstract
Task analysis is a process and outcome research method in psychotherapy proposed by Greenberg (1975). This method is intended to a) check the efficacy of a specific technique as applied to a certain in-session event; b) clarify the elements and the process that makes such an intervention effective; c) assess how much the solution of that event contributes to the overall treatment success. The task-analyzed interventions are described at a micro-process level, which facilitates reliable training and the practice of effective techniques applied to a wide range of key events of the psychotherapeutic process. GOAL: To compile and organize all tasks analyzed to date in order to facilitate access to this training and practice resource. METHOD: Literature review of task analysis research programs carried out to date. RESULTS: Thirty-seven task analysis research programs analyzing significant events from the perspective of several psychotherapy models and settings were found. Only five of these have been completed to date, but twenty-six have produced effective intervention models. CONCLUSIONS: Although task analysis is a very expensive psychotherapy research method, it generates highly valuable resources for practice and training in psychotherapy. Every task analysis which has completed the discovery phase produce a refined and empirically supported intervention model.Downloads
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