Violence and partner breaking up: a professionals’ perspective




intimate partner violence, divorce, family meeting point, intimate partner abuse, professionals


Inter-relationship violence requires the undertaking of exhaustive research in order to aid legislators in the design of projects that best address the realities of this issue. Through the use of qualitative methodology, the aim of this investigation is to gather the impressions of the professionals involved in the work of Family Meeting Points (Puntos de Encuentro Familiar), and examine the connection between the breakdown of a relationship and the violence associated with this. The results show that practitioners use a variety of criteria when evaluating these situations which relate to the type of relationship, the level of violence used and perceived degree of fear in the victim. These criteria also serve to differentiate and profile types of violent partners. Affinities pertaining to the theoretical framework of Kelly and Johnson (2008) are also demonstrated in the findings, in turn allowing new interventional approaches in both the workings of Family Meeting Points as well as the legal framework regulating situations of these types.


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How to Cite

JIMENO DE LA CALLE, D. (2015). Violence and partner breaking up: a professionals’ perspective. Revista de Psicoterapia, 26(101), 191–208. Retrieved from