Aristocratic parades, popular masquerades and luminous displays in the royal festivities of eighteenth-century Toledo



In this article we attempt to further the study of the royal festivities held in Toledo in the 18th century by addressing the ludic dimension inherent to these celebrations. To this end, we rely on data from various documentary sources conserved in the Municipal Archives of the city and written accounts of these festive events, where it is evident that the festivities dedicated to the Bourbons provided moments of leisure and recreation for the toledans, who participated, as actors or spectators, in the magnificent parades, masquerades, and luminary and firework displays. These elements played an important role in the Imperial City’s tributes to the monarchs and are described in extraordinary detail in the literary chronicles, providing us a glimpse into a festive world that maintained the sumptuousness and sensorial and rhetorical opulence of the Baroque for a good part of the century, and which, as we shall see, only began to wane in the last years of the century.



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Author Biography

Paula Revenga Domínguez, Universidad de Córdoba

Profesora Titular del Departamento de Historia del Arte, Arqueología y Música de la Universidad de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

Revenga Domínguez, P. (2022). Aristocratic parades, popular masquerades and luminous displays in the royal festivities of eighteenth-century Toledo. Revista de Humanidades, (46), 167–188. Retrieved from


