About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista de Humanidades (Journal of Humanities) is a quarterly journal (January-April, May-August and September-December) published by the Associated Centre of the Open University in Seville since 1990. Its purpose is to disclose findings generated by investigations, theoretical reflections, specialized debates, translations, essays, and critical reviews on topics related to humanistic studies in general, and associated with Anthropology, Art, literature, Communication, Education, Philosophy, History and Politics studies in particular.

Peer Review Process

First, all articles are submitted to an editorial review, which consists of verifying that the content is relevant to the journal’s subject matter and that the article is in compliance with all the established guidelines.

All articles will then be submitted to an external, double-blind review performed by two members of the journal’s panel of reviewers, which is composed of prestigious academics holding positions at national and international institutions. Articles will always be reviewed by referees with no affiliation to the institution of the author(s).

The results of the review will be one of the following:

  • Approved for publication with no changes
  • Approved for publication once minor corrections are made, or
  • Declined.

In the case that reviewers disagree, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, whose decision will be definitive. The author(s) have thirty calendar days to make any requested changes.

The speed of the review process will depend on the number of articles awaiting review. The editorial board of the journal will inform each of the authors about the progress of their work in the review and publishing process.

Open Access Policy

Revista de Humanidades is published since 2008 under the Open Access model (Berlin Declaration, 2003) to contribute to the accessibility and visibility of knowledge. Is therefore free for anybody to read and download, and to copy and disseminate for educational purposes.

All articles are licensed under the Creative Commons and the Digital Objet Identifier (DOI).

Release Schedule

Revista de Humanidades appears three times a year, during the months of January, May and September.

Guidelines for Evaluators

The assessment will take into account: how interesting the article is, the relevance of the content provided to the reader, the advances made, the relations established, the critical judgement put forward, the references used, the correct wording, etc., including recommendations, if any, to possible improvement.

The evaluator formally commits to confidentiality upon the acceptance of a manuscript fot evaluation, so that it cannot be disclosed to a third party throughout the process. His assessment and recommendations will contribute to the final decision of the editors.

The results of the review will be one of the following: approved for publication with no changes, approved for publication once minor corrections are made, or declined.

In the event that the evaluator identifies the authorship of the manuscript through academic or relative closeness to the authors (belonging to the same college, department, research group or any other connection or conflict/professional proximity) he should reject the invitation of the editor for its review. The proximity or animosity towards the authors in the case that they can be identified within the anonymity of the manuscript could cause a conflict of interest.

On the other hand, if he suspects that an article is a copy of another work, the evaluator must disclose this to the editors by citing earlier work in detail. And if there is any suspicion that the article is false or fraudulent, it must also be reported to the editors.

In order to avoid damage to the Magazine, its members are only permitted to publish articles as an exception. In addition, potencial collaborations of members of the board or publishers will be assessed externally as in all other cases. External evaluators for these, will be determined by the board which the author is not a member of, in order to ensure fairness and anonymity; and as in the rest of assessments, the assessor will not be informed of who is the responsible for the article. Editors, Editorial Board members and Advisory Board undertake to accept the assessment and recommendations resulting from this process.

Waiver policy

The opinions and facts contained in each article are the sole responsibility of the authors. Revista de Humanidades is not responsible in any case for the credibility and authenticity of the work.