Domination and morality
Karl Marx and exploitation
justicia distributiva, explotación y plusvalía, ética marxista, Crítica al Programa de Gotha, acumulación originariaAbstract
Karl Marx’s work has been studied from many different fields of knowledge, one of them being morality, and specifically the field of justice. Different academics have diverged greatly in their analyses, some rejecting any kind of normative purpose in Marx, and others, instead, highlighting his strong moral commitment. To contrast the results of their research, this article has considered the main titles, pam-phlets and volumes of the German thinker throughout his life. Finally, it is concluded that Marx did not have any normative theory, but that there is no reason to think that, instead, immoralism is a main feature of his writings: on the contrary, in his own work there are several fundamental elements to understand his view on history and human action within it.
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