Sketches of a critical hermeneutics in Lectures on "Ideology and utopia" of Paul Ricoeur
Imaginario – simbólico, humanismo, reconocimiento, narraciónAgencies:
In this article we will present some of the central aspects of the Ricoeu-rian concept of critical hermeneutics that follows from their analysis and discussion with the works of Althusser and Habermas. In general terms, while Althusser’s historical investigations show power systems’ strategies of reproduction, Habermas proposes a liberating project based on a utopian construction independent of history. The use that Althusser and Habermas make of psychoanalysis will bring us tangentially to Ricoeur’s link to this discipline. We will conclude by pointing to the concept of “happy memory”, developed in Memory, History, Forgetting, as an example of utopia and as a proof that Ricoeur has maintained some central aspects of this proposal until the end of his life.
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