Biswanger's Daseinanalyse and Orteguian Anthropology. Meeting Points
existence, live, Liebe, preoccupation, DaseinanalysisAbstract
In the application of Heidegger’s Daseinanalytic to the field of psychiatry, Binswanger saw the need to transcend some aspects of his thinking by redirecting his ontological approach towards an anthropological line. In this way, we should interpret “existence” as the existence of a particular subject in his life-world. Knowing that, to Binswanger, the world always implies the “other”, the model of being-in-the-world would be extended to being-in-the-world-with-others; so the notion of Sorge, oriented toward oneself, would be extended to Liebe, denoting love of otherness. As we will see in this article, these progressions awaken several approaches to Ortega’s thinking. We can appreciate the proximity to the idea of “life”, and to his anthropological notions and attempts to make a sociological catalogue.We can also see the idea of preoccupation as care, which implies the circumstance as part of “my life”, in which the other exists as a fellowman. We will analyse, in this article, these and others connections between both authors.Downloads
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