Nature and Freedom. The Recovery of the Question of Being . Through Kant and Heidegger
Being, Intuition, Nature, Freedom, Facticity.Agencies:
Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Deporte (MECD)Abstract
Kant tried to solve the question of being: being cannot be constituted as a real predicate. The importance of intuition (sensitivity), which surrounds the first Kantian critique, seems to leave the matter in a state of ambiguity. Therefore, on a horizon that has been concerned about pooling nature and freedom, we have tried to promote a phenomenological interpretation to recover the notion of being, in order to pursue: a) a radical understanding of the finiteness of human subjectivity, b) the interpretation of nature as facticity of life itself, in a relationship with Heidegger’s phenomenological task, c) the notion of liberty not as absolute spontaneity, but as an activity that makes it possible to complete what is given, the being.Downloads
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