Critical thinking in the study of poverty




poverty, study, concept, measurement, multidimensional, multidisciplinary, social imaginaries, discourses, paradigms, symbolic fields, public policies, social policies


The purpose of this article is to urge the researcher or the public policy maker to make a necessary reflection before facing the analysis of poverty: any possible appreciation of this phenomenon is a neutral question.

Urge to be aware of how the symbolic, ideological and paradigmatic elements structure the conception of poverty, with practical consequences. The adopted concepts guide its analysis and measurement, as well as the political interventions to face it. Therefore, at once, they create a material reality that feeds back the social representations of poverty and the attitude of the Administration and Society towards it. In this sense, the concept of poverty is a social construct resulting from a specific historical context, as well as a constructor of materiality.

In the last decades, the consensus on poverty has changed from purely economic conceptions to more comprehensive, multidimensional and multidisciplinary approaches.

Keywords: poverty, study, concept, measurement, multidimensional, multidisciplinary, representations, social imaginaries, discourses, paradigms, symbolic fields, public policies, social policies.


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Author Biographies

María José Benegas Mateo, UNED

Estudió la Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y en Administración Pública en la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Obtuvo un Máster en Población y Medio Ambiente en la FLACSO-UNESCO, sede de México. Cuenta con un Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Medio Ambiente: Instrumentos socioeconómicos, jurídicos, territoriales y educativos del Desarrollo Sostenible en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y actualmente es doctoranda del Programa de Doctorado en Análisis de Problemas Sociales de UNED.


Francisco Javier García-Castilla, UNED

Doctor en Sociología en el Programa de Exclusión y Política Social por la Universidad P. Comillas de Madrid y diplomado en Trabajo Social. Profesor titular de universidad, está adscrito al Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNED. Imparte docencia en asignaturas de grado y posgrado.



How to Cite

Benegas Mateo, M. J., & García-Castilla, F. J. . (2023). Critical thinking in the study of poverty. Comunitania. International journal of social work and social sciences, (25), 9–30.


