Exteriorized and interiorized behaviour problems in adolescents: relatioship with upbringing and temperament


  • Ana María Tur Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Básica. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 46010. Valencia
  • María Vicenta Mestre Escrivá Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Básica. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 46010. Valencia
  • Victoria del Barrio UNED. Departamento de Psicología de la Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológicos




Problems behaviours, upbringing, personality structure, family structure, social class


The research used a sample of 531 teenagers whose ages ranged from 12 to 16, who represent the general population. The aim was to analyze the relation between teenagers'conduct problems and some social and family environmental variables such as family structure, social class and parents' educational styles. Likewise, the impact of personality structure as well as upbringing on the manifestation of children's behaviour problems were also analyzed. The results show that externalising and internalising problem behaviours are highly related to upbringing, mainly, to the following factors Discipline, Support and Autonomy. Social class and family structure are also connected with antisocial behaviours.


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How to Cite

Tur, A. M., Mestre Escrivá, M. V., & del Barrio, V. (2012). Exteriorized and interiorized behaviour problems in adolescents: relatioship with upbringing and temperament. Acción Psicológica, 3(3), 207–221. https://doi.org/10.5944/ap.3.3.514



Teoría e Investigación [Theory & Research]