Does a Short Relaxation Session Affect Inhibitory Control of the Stroop task in adolescents?
Sesión corta de relajación en control inhibitorio
Inhibitory Control, Resistance to Interference, Relaxation, Stroop taskAbstract
Some studies have indicated that a relaxation and/or meditation session could affect inhibitory control, while other studies have not found such an effect. Given the discrepancy between studies, the objective of the present article was to examine whether or not a short relaxation session could influence inhibitory control. Method: A total of 60 students aged between 16-18 years participated in the study, randomly distributed into two groups, according to the experimental (relaxation session) and the control (listening to neutral material) condition. They were given an individual session with the recording (relaxation/neutral material for approximately 7 min.) between the pre and post Stroop task. Results: No significant improvements were found in the experimental group compared to the control group in Resistance to Interference. Conclusions: These results suggest that some prior relaxation practice might be necessary for a short relaxation session to have immediate benefits in inhibitory control or/and that the relaxation session should last longer.
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