Longitudinal Study on Perception of Loneliness during Confinement derived from COVID-19 in a Spanish Population Sample
Seleccionado:Coronavirus, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Loneliness, Quarantine, LongitudinalAbstract
The aim of the study is to longitudinally analyse the effects of confinement derived from Covid-19 on the loneliness of the general Spanish population. It was assessed by an online survey at three points in time: two weeks after the start of confinement (N = 3480), one month after (N = 1041) and two months after the return to normal (N = 569). Measures were taken of sociodemographic variables, loneliness, social support, depressive and anxious symptoms. To analyse the effect of the longitudinal measures, a mixed linear model (GLMM) was calculated for the solitude variable. Posthoc comparisons for the time variable were calculated using the marginal means estimated with Tuckey's correction. The analyses have been carried out using the R software (v3.5.6) and the lme4 and emmeans packages. The trend in loneliness scores is downward throughout the longitudinal study, decreasing the scores in the third evaluation significantly (Z(T1-T2) = 0.13, p = .045). The main predictors for loneliness are depressive symptomatology and social support. Greater attention needs to be paid to loneliness in these situations, in addition to presenting attention to associated depressive symptomatology and measures to strengthen social support networks in these circumstances
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