Type A & B Behavior Pattern and its relation to behavioral addictions


  • Gisele Belmonte Steibel Centro de Atenção psicossocial de Álcool e outras drogas (CAPS-AD de Pelotas), Brasil.
  • Rosario Ruiz-Olivares Departamento de Psicoloía. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Córdoba.
  • Javier Herruzo Cabrera Departamento de Psicoloía. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Córdoba.




type A behavior pattern, type B behavior pattern, no substance addictive behaviors, youth


This research aimed to relate the possibility of sub­mitting the Type A and the Type B behavior patterns to the no-substance addiction. We investigated the Internet addiction, the gambling, the shopping, and the misuse of mobile in a sample of youth people. With a prospective design ex-post-facto two groups, a questionnaire was developed to collect sociodemo­graphic data, in which we included the Test of Shop­ping Addiction, the Test of Internet Addiction from Echeburúa (2003), the Pathological Gambling Brief Questionnaire from Fernandez-Montalvo Echeburúa y Baez (1997), some items on Mobile Phone Usage, and the Jenkins Activity Survey. Young people from the Province of Córdoba, Spain, have participated (N = 3815, age range between 18 and 29). Results in­dicated that young people characterized as Type A behavior pattern show bigger propension to shop­ping, to playing, to Internet connection, and to use of mo­bile phone. According to logistic regression, The Type B behavior pattern showed to be a protective factor for addiction to shopping. In conclusion it can be inferred that young people of Type A behavior pattern are more likely to have addictive behaviors that young people of Type B behavior pattern.


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How to Cite

Belmonte Steibel, G., Ruiz-Olivares, R., & Herruzo Cabrera, J. (2016). Type A & B Behavior Pattern and its relation to behavioral addictions. Acción Psicológica, 13(1), 119–128. https://doi.org/10.5944/ap.13.1.17430



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