Analysis of the attributions of guardianship and child custody in judicial rulings


  • Carles Rodríguez-Domínguez Universidad Ramón Llull
  • Adolfo Jarne Universidad de Barcelona
  • Xavier Carbonell Universidad Ramón Llull



care and custody of minors, judicial judgment, divorce litigation


Given the significance on the lives of children in­volved in the processes of separation or divorce of their parents, the attribution of custody and child custody is determined in Spanish jurisprudence by the supremacy of the greater interest of the Child. Are still rare in our environment studies of judicial decisions on the powers of the custody of children. In order to analyze the judgments in separation or divorce ad litem by the family courts, a protocol was drawn to publicize in this study reasoning about the attribution of the custody, and regulatory measures among parts issued by the courts and for explaining the evolution of shared versus sole custody in the period 2007-2013 in seven courts in Barcelona city. The results revealed evidence that all the sentences analyzed were motivated, showed an increase in favor of the attribution of joint custody and a de­crease in sole custody attributed in favor of the mother in that period.


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Author Biographies

Carles Rodríguez-Domínguez, Universidad Ramón Llull

Psicólogo especialista en psicología clínica.

especialista en psicoterapia.

psicólogo forense acreditado Copc

mediador familiar acreditado Gen/Cat

revisor de la revista ALOMA (Blanquerna)

Colegiado 3320 COPC

práctica privada en consulta propia

doctorando en Psicología.

Módulos de Doctorado finalizados


Tema: Informe pericial psicológico en el contexto del Derecho de Familia

He colaborado en diversas ocasiones con el S.P.A. de Girona

La entrevista clínica : antecedentes psicopatológicos y estado mental del paciente (Mayo 2011)

(Jornadas de Introducción a la Práctica de la Psicología y presentación y mesa de debate Cine-Forum Amour de M. Haneke).


Adolfo Jarne, Universidad de Barcelona

Dr. Profesor titular UB Psicopatología

Xavier Carbonell, Universidad Ramón Llull

Catedrático de Psicología en la Facultad de Psicología Blanquerna. URL



How to Cite

Rodríguez-Domínguez, C., Jarne, A., & Carbonell, X. (2015). Analysis of the attributions of guardianship and child custody in judicial rulings. Acción Psicológica, 12(1), 1–10.



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