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Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation

Prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Authors are required to comply with APA ethical standards in the treatment of their sample, human or animal, or to describe the details of treatment. Furthermore, authors must declare any conflict of interest.

The manuscripts will be sent in formats: ".doc" or ".docx" to the web. In order to send articles authors must REGISTER in the web. Manuscripts will be accepted in English or Spanish languages. If the paper is written in English, an abstract of 150-250 words in Spanish will be required

The articles will be double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12 point, with all margins to 1 in. The maximum length of articles will be 6000 words (including title, abstract, references, figures, tables and appendices). The numbering of the pages will be located in the upper right.

Other formatting instructions, as well as instructions on preparing tables, figures, references, metrics, and abstracts, appear in the Manual. References must include doi when is available. Visit to check it.

The articles are scholarly peer-reviewed (double- masket).

Accion Psicologica does not charge any rate for publishing articles.

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