Effects of parental and peer attachment and internet addiction on the relationship of depression and self-harm.





self-harm, depression, adolescents, internet addiction, attachment


When studying self-injury, depression is a constant, however, contextual factors that are related to both problems are left out. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of Internet addiction, parent and peer attachment on the relationship between depression and self-harm and to explain self-harm through the mediation of Internet addiction. 433 adolescents from secondary school participated in the study. The self-harm certificate, the Beck IA depression inventory, the parent and peer attachment inventory for adolescents and the Internet addiction test were applied. A mediation analysis was performed that obtained a direct effect of 0.13 and a total of 0.20, showing that Internet addiction has a potentiating effect. We also performed a moderation analysis obtaining a conditional effect of 0.12 which shows a buffer effect of communication and trust with parents. Young people with traits of depression will decrease their self-harm behaviors thanks to greater communication and trust with their parents and adolescents who are addicted to the internet will increase the probability of engaging in self-harm behaviors. The fact that the study is not causal and that there are few references from the Latin American context are a limitation. Future studies should involve context variables such as family and internet related variables.



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Author Biographies

Karen Guadalupe Duarte Tánori, centro de investigación en alimentación y desarrollo AC

Licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad de Sonora. Maestra en Desarrollo Regional por el Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (CIAD, A.C.). Doctorando en Desarrollo Regional por CIAD A.C. Líneas de investigación: violencia escolar, violencia y salud, variables en la comunidad, psicología de la educación y autolesión

Daniel Fregoso Borrego, centro de investigación en alimentación y desarrollo AC

Licenciado en Psicología en la Universidad de Sonora, Maestro en Desarrollo Regional por el Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A.C. (CIAD A.C.). Doctorando en Desarrollo Regional en CIAD A.C. Las líneas de investigación en las que ha participado en publicaciones y como apoyo en proyectos de investigación han sido: psicología adolescente, familia y crianza parental, violencia escolar, convivencia escolar. Actualmente es doctorando en Desarrollo Regional en CIAD.



How to Cite

Duarte Tánori, K. G. ., Vera Noriega, J. Ángel, & Fregoso Borrego, D. . (2023). Effects of parental and peer attachment and internet addiction on the relationship of depression and self-harm. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology   , 28(1), 39–50. https://doi.org/10.5944/rppc.31795



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