Valencian Literary Prizes for Unpublished Work: Dualities (Man-Woman, Origin, Age) in the Model Author of Adult Narrative


  • Dari Escandell Universitat d’Alacant



Literary awards, Valencia, Catalan literature, adult literature, novels


This article goes over the verdicts for all literary prizes for unpublished work in adult literature in Catalan awarded by the Region of Valencia from 2011 to 2020. Beyond the observed similarities and differences in the contests considered, the list of award-winning novels in this paradigmatic cultural space is largely made up of authors who regularly win awards. To this end, we assess the progression of sample values (e.g., sex and geographic origin) of authors who won such awards and contrast it with comparable indicators, such as recipients’ relationships with the major literary prizes from the rest of the Catalan-speaking territories in the same timeframe and data on other related parameters, such as awards for published work. As a result, we can infer the existence of a nominal, localized canon based on previous winners of multiple prizes, a foreseeable circumstance given the similar origins of the majority of the works considered. In the end, we find an idiosyncratic backdrop underlying literary contests that give off, by virtue or defect, a notably unique and genuine aura of territoriality.


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How to Cite

Escandell, D. (2023). Valencian Literary Prizes for Unpublished Work: Dualities (Man-Woman, Origin, Age) in the Model Author of Adult Narrative. Revista de lenguas y literaturas catalana, gallega y vasca, 28, 101–131.



Lengua y Literatura Catalanas