Bazegonk amairu "jarrai" gabe?


  • Idoia Gereñu



Jarrai antzerki taldea, euskal antzerkia, abangoardia, teatro berria, 60ko hamarkada, frankismoa, euskalgintza, theatre group Jarrai, basque theatre, avant-garde, modern theatre, 60s, francoism,


Jarrai antzerki-taldeak euskal antzerkigintzaren norabidea aldatu zuen ia hamar urteko ibilbidean, 60ko hamarkadan. Frankismo garaia betebetean zela, gazte-kuadrilla bat elkartu eta, gerraurreko ohiturei jarraiki, oholtza gainera igo zen, antzerkia aitzakiatzat hartuta. Xedea euskara zein euskal gizartea esnaraztea izan zen. Ordurako, belaunaldi berriek mundua ulertzeko bide berriak proposatu zituzten munduko zenbait herrialdeetan; mugimendu abangoardistak arte-diziplina anitzen bidez adierazi ziren, eta sentipen hau Euskal Herrira iritsi zen. Aitzina pausoak emateko gogoz, Jarrai antzerki-taldeak beste herrialdeetan eszenaratzen ari ziren abangoardiako antzerki-testuak euskarara ekarri zituen. Ildo beretik, euskaraz sortutako testuak ere eszenaratuko zituen aurrerago. Molde estetiko eta dramatiko berriak proposatzeaz gain, gazte euskaradun kulturazalearen irudi eta eredu bihurtu ziren Jarraikideak, beste diziplinei modernitaterako bidea erraztuz.

The theater group Jarrai changed the direction of Basque theater in a nearly ten year career, in the 60s. During the Franco regime, aiming at reviving both the basque language and society, some young people gathered together on stage, following the tradition prior to the war. By that time, the new generations proposed in different countries of the world new ways of understanding it; the avant-garde movements were expressed in different artistic disciplines, and this feeling arrived in the Basque Country. The theater group Jarrai wanted to take some steps forward, and so translated into Basque some avant-garde theater texts that were staging in other countries. In this sense, they also staged some texts produced in Basque. In addition to proposing new aesthetic and dramatic molds, Jarrai became the image and model of the new basque young cultural movement, facilitating to other artistic disciplines the path towards modernization.


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How to Cite

Gereñu, I. (2018). Bazegonk amairu "jarrai" gabe?. Revista de lenguas y literaturas catalana, gallega y vasca, 23, 115–124.



Lengua y Literatura Vascas