A Semiotic Proposal for Photographic Interpretation. The Use of ATLAS.ti Software for the Adap-tation and Construction of a Visual Analysis Method





Photography, Structural Analysis, Methods, Software, Interpretation


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


The main objective of the article is to present a method for photographic interpretation based on semiological theory and developed with the help of the qualitative data analysis software AT-LAS.ti. The methodological proposal is based on the adaptation of the concepts expression and content level, as part of L. Hjelmslev’s notion of sign, and the rules of syntactic formation and semantic correlation in Ch. Morris’ theory. Photo-graphic images from the research project The Role of Images in the Construction and Represen-tation of Violence. The Case of Self-defense Groups in the State of Michoacán (2013-2015), developed from 2018 to 2020 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, have been chosen for this analysis.


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Author Biography

Cristian López Raventós, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Profesor e investigador a tiempo completo del Departamento de Historia de Arte.


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How to Cite

López Raventós, C. (2021). A Semiotic Proposal for Photographic Interpretation. The Use of ATLAS.ti Software for the Adap-tation and Construction of a Visual Analysis Method. Revista de Humanidades Digitales, 6, 43–63. https://doi.org/10.5944/rhd.vol.6.2021.30895



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