Arnold Hauser (1892-1978) and the Writing of Mannerism (1964): The Precariousness of the Independent Intellectual




Arnold Hauser, Manierismo (1964), Theodor Adorno, Herbert Read, Siegfried Kracauer, Meyer Schapiro, J. W. Janson, Bollingen Foundation


Jerry Zaslove, Simon Fraser University, Pedro Azara, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. [Respaldaron esta investigación, que no está financiada].


According to Arnold Hauser, the purpose of history is the understanding of the present. His controversial Social History of Art (1951) culminated in «The Film Age». This interest in cinema dates back to his experience as distributor of films in Vienna (1924-1938), when he planned an unfinished Dramaturgy and Sociology of Film. This notwithstanding, his following investigation, Mannerism: the Crisis of the Renaissance and the Origin of Modern Art (1964), seems to disengage from the problematic of mass art and its medium, and some have interpreted it as a «retreat from Marxism». Consulting the archives of C.H. Beck (Munich), the Library of Congress (Washington D.C.), and the German Literature Archive (Marbach), this paper inquires why Hauser wrote Mannerism and not a book on cinema, chronicling his contact with Theodor Adorno, Herbert Read and Siegfried Kracauer. We conclude that the history of its gestation documents the pragmatic choice of an independent, exiled intellectual in a situation of uneasy economic precariousness.


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Author Biography

César Saldaña Puerto, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

César Saldaña Puerto es arquitecto, doctorando y profesor asociado en el Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura y Técnicas de Comunicación; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB); Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona Tech (UPC). Sus líneas de investigación son la filosofía e historia del arte, la teoría e historia de la arquitectura, y la teoría crítica.


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How to Cite

Saldaña Puerto, C. (2022). Arnold Hauser (1892-1978) and the Writing of Mannerism (1964): The Precariousness of the Independent Intellectual. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, (10), 27–54.